LinkedIn Office Murals


Acrylicize reached out for a hand painting some large-scale murals of a couple of their gallery artists’ works. The artwork was being painted at LinkedIn’s offices in the Empire State Building. Four elevator bank murals were going up. One elevator bank location with work by Simiao Wang and the other location with work by Carlos Rosales-Silva. It was an honor for us to be trusted in enlarging the artists works. A little bit about the artists and their work is listed below.
Simiao Wang
The idea of this design evolved from a puzzle which has different geometric shapes that can be freely combined. When the right shapes of the puzzle are put together, they combine to form different people and buildings. The represented people are involved in various careers. “Opportunity appears when the right combination of people, circumstances, and challenges align to re-imagine what is possible.” In New York City, opportunities are unlimited.
Carlos Rosales-Silva
Carlos Rosales-Silva is an artist and educator working and living between New York and Texas. Their paintings, sculpture, and installation exists in the space between borders and classification. Their works consider the histories of the vernacular cultures of the American Southwest, the western canon of art history, and the political and cultural connections and disparities between them. The works themselves are abstract acts of personal discovery that reveal meaning of non-textual communications and act as meditative and slow ways of processing knowledge.